Things tagged 'wapping'

limited to the area of Tower Hamlets Wheelers:

2 issues found for 'wapping':

  • Wapping Liveable Streets engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Wapping is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Wapping.

    Please sign in to vote.

2 threads found for 'wapping':

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