Travel in London Report
A lack of a clearly defined, well planned cycling network is hindering the growth of cycling in London.
limited to the area of Tower Hamlets Wheelers:
3 issues found for 'cycling':
Created by Simon Parker // 1 thread
A lack of a clearly defined, well planned cycling network is hindering the growth of cycling in London.
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
London Assembly says:
Our investigation
What different approaches could TfL and London boroughs take to improve junctions and increase walking and cycling in Outer London?
Small pockets of improvement don’t change the fact that most London streets are dominated by traffic and noise. They are hostile places even to step out into for a pint of milk.
On behalf of the London Assembly Transport Committee, Caroline Russell AM is investigating how our streets and junctions can become more people-friendly.
Get involved
There are a number of specific questions the Committee is seeking to answer. Please address any questions where you have relevant views and information to share, and feel free to cover any other issues you would like the Committee to consider.
Are there lessons to be learned from previous junction improvements?
How can we enable more people to walk and cycle?
How can we make our streets and junctions less hostile to people getting around by bike and on foot?
How do you get all road users on board?
Please email by August 11 and share the investigation on Twitter using #OuterLondonJunctions
Key Facts
The Mayor and TfL are promoting walking and cycling as a form of active travel and a way to reduce health inequalities - however, currently, over 40 percent of Londoners fall short of the recommended 150 minutes of activity per week.
TfL research has found that people who live in Outer London tend to walk less than those who live in Inner London. Public transport coverage is lower and car ownership is higher in Outer London, with cars making up a larger share of journeys. In particular, people who live in Outer London are less likely to walk children to school, walk to see friends or relatives, and walk to pubs, restaurants and cinemas.
In 2015:
53 percent of Inner Londoners walked at least five journeys a week, compared to 35 percent of Outer Londoners
47 percent of Inner Londoners walked as part of longer journeys on other forms of transport at least five times a week, compared to 41 percent of Outer Londoners
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
Since the horrific attacks that took place on Westminster Bridge, and most recently London Bridge, the Metropolitan Police have installed temporary barriers on many central London bridges.
LCC is fully supportive of the need to take urgent steps to provide extra protection for Londoners and visitors to our city. But we also believe it's right that we look at these measures, that have had to go in very rapidly, to see both what lessons need to be learned for future Highways schemes in the capital, and to see what, if any, tweaks can be undertaken to ensure these barriers can provide the extra security needed as well as allow people, especially London's large number of cycling commuters, to continue to cycle safely with minimal disruption - ideally even with enhanced safety and/or provision.
Now we want your ideas of any tweaks, modifications or other measures that can be brought forward on the bridges affected so far, and given the measures in so far, to provide vital measures to protect against terrorist attacks, but also to enhance safety and provision for those walking and cycling, and to mitigate the negative effects of the measures so far.
26 threads found for 'cycling':
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A users first approach to cycle infrastructure design.
Jonny Camp
Cycle Ipswich
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Consultation: Suffolk Design: Streets Guide
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Vision Zero Partnership
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Mapping out Cycling Infrastructure Proposals for Hammersmith and Fulham
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Winton Primary School Streets Consultation
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Hugh Myddelton School Streets Consultation
David Lincoln
Richmond Cycling Campaign
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Strafford Road Consultation
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Walthamstow Town Centre. Hoe Street
Dan Kelly
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Walthamstow Town Centre. Hoe Street
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London Assembly investigation: Walking & Cycling at Outer London Junctions
Simon Munk
Hackney Cycling Campaign
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Wick Road Improvement Scheme
Natalie G
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Thames bridges counter-terrorism barriers
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Quietway Initial Consultation - Bushy Park to Richmond Park
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Right turn into Scotland Road
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Nelson Road Consultation
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Hackney Cycling Campaign
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Curtain Road and Rivington Street junction consultation
Simon Munk
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Central London Cycling Grid Borough High Street/Newcomen Street junction
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Bristol's Strategic Cycling Network
Simon Parker
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Hawley Crescent vs Hawley Road
Andrea Casalotti
Camden Cyclists
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Consultation on Cobden Junction
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
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Consultation on Cobden Junction
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Healthy Hospitals need to consider Cyclists
James Avery
4 library items found for 'cycling':
No planning applications found for 'cycling'.