Things tagged 'consultation'

limited to the area of Tower Hamlets Wheelers:

58 issues found for 'consultation':

  • Wick Lane Quietway route consultation

    Created by Owen Pearson // 1 thread

    Wick Lane Quietway cycle route from Greenway to Quietway 6

    Transport for London (TfL) is proposing to improve provision for cyclists along Wick Lane from Jodrell Road/Cadogan Terrace to the Greenway and has asked the council to help to deliver the scheme in this area as part of the Quietway cycle network.

    Scheme drawings:
    Overall Quietway 6 route:

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  • A13 Commercial Road between New Road and Jubilee Street

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    TfL Overview:
    We would like your views on proposals to improve safety, journey time reliability and the urban realm on Commercial Road between New Road and Jubilee Street in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
    We have identified a higher rate of collisions along this stretch of road compared to similar roads in London, particularly involving pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Therefore, we are proposing a scheme that is designed to reduce the number of collisions involving these vulnerable road users.
    The area also suffers from vehicle congestion, particularly at peak times. Parked vehicles prevent buses from using the eastbound bus lane at busy times, which causes delays to bus passengers.

    What are we proposing?
    We are proposing to implement a number of changes to improve conditions for bus passengers and vulnerable road users. These include:

    - Raised carriageway with coloured surfacing on Commercial Road between Turner Street and Sidney Street to help lower traffic speeds and reduce collisions. There would still be a detectable kerb height between the road and the footway
    - Converting the pedestrian crossing outside Watney Market to a wider straight crossing and relocating it closer to the market. This would mean pedestrians crossing in one stage rather than waiting on a central island. Pedestrian “Countdown” at the crossing would also be provided.
    - Providing a wider crossing point for schoolchildren outside Mulberry School for Girls and installing electronic signs to make drivers more aware of schoolchildren crossing
    - Raising the level of all side road entrances and providing kerb build outs to reduce traffic speeds, making it easier for pedestrians to cross
    - Providing a continuous footway across the following side roads to give priority to pedestrians and a smoother crossing surface: Richard Street; Jane Street; Anthony Street; Fenton Street; Buross Street; Hungerford Street; Bromehead Street
    - Reducing kerb heights, particularly around Watney Market, to help pedestrians
    - Installing low level central islands to help pedestrians cross the road informally
    - Upgrading pavements where damaged or uneven

    Other Road Users
    - Re-surfacing sections of the road to provide a smoother surface for cyclists and motorcyclists and to reduce noise
    - Making Turner Street “no entry” to motor traffic (except cycles) from Commercial Road in order to improve safety outside Mulberry School for Girls and to prevent vehicles queuing back onto Commercial Road at busy times. Access would still be possible using other routes, and motorists would be able to exit Turner Street onto Commercial Road as they do now
    - Widening bus lanes to 4.5 metres to allow cyclists and motorcyclists to pass buses more safely. We would create space for this by changing the hours of operation of the parking bays on the North side of Commercial Road
    - Converting some existing parking bays into two new loading bays.
    - Changing parking controls where necessary on the north side of Commercial Road by converting existing ‘all day’ parking (Mon-Sat 7am-7pm) to off-peak times (Mon-Sat 10am-4pm). This would allow the bus lane to operate at peak times (Mon-Sat 7-10am and 4-7pm)
    - Providing Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists at junctions to let them wait ahead of other traffic

    Urban Realm Improvements
    - New tree planting where conditions allow.
    - Improving the urban realm – reducing clutter, better paving and a more pleasant environment particularly around Watney Market

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  • Traffic changes proposed for Cable Street, CS3 and area

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    The council is consulting with the public about making changes to traffic movements in and around Cable Street.
    The proposed changes are designed to alleviate the number of vehicles cutting through Cable Street to avoid congestion on The Highway.
    There are a number of vehicles using Brodlove Lane and Cable Street as a ‘rat run’ to travel from The Highway to Butcher Row.
    The changes to be considered by the public include one-way parts of Cable Street.
    It is also proposed that a number of measures be introduced to make the area safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
    A new bus lane will be created on a short section of Cable Street between Sutton Street and Watney Street. This will be supported by the closure of the north end of King David Lane to all motor vehicles.
    The changes will see a significant reduction in the amount and speeds of traffic using Cable Street and surrounding roads.
    In preliminary consultation with businesses and residents, the council was told cyclists are uncomfortable using the narrow two-way cycle lane.
    The council proposes the cycle lane be widened for cyclists travelling against the traffic, with cyclists travelling the other way joining the main flow of reduced traffic.
    The area between Shadwell Overground and DLR stations and Sutton Street will be completely redesigned to ensure priority for pedestrians.
    The proposals will also see the introduction of pocket parks and improved community spaces to make the area look and feel more attractive.
    Mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, said: “We have developed these proposals after being made aware of initial concerns from residents, businesses and people who travel through the area. These detailed and well developed plans will improve the area for all road users. We welcome any comments to ensure that we have taken everything into consideration.”
    Cllr Ayas Miah, cabinet member for environment, added: “For far too long the safety of people using Cable Street has not been given enough priority. These proposed changes will stop vehicles from cutting through the area for the benefit of pedestrians and cyclists. The aesthetic changes proposed will enable all local people to be proud of the area that they live or work in.”
    Full details of the proposals are being sent to 5,000 addresses along Cable Street and in the surrounding area.

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  • TfL Consultation: Proposed improvements at the junction of Mile End Road and Burdett Road

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Transport for London (TfL) is working with interested parties - including cycling, road user and safety organisations - to review and improve cycling provision at junctions. As part of this work, we have developed proposals to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists at the junction of Mile End Road and Burdett Road.

    Why We Are Consulting
    About the proposed changes:

    Our review of the current junction layout showed that there is an above average level of collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists coming into conflict with turning vehicles.

    The proposed improvements are shown on the attached plan and include:

    Removal of the slip roads to reduce the potential for conflict between vehicles and cyclists.

    Reducing crossing distances and number of crossings for pedestrians

    New mandatory cycle lanes on Mile End Road and Grove Road to allow cyclists easier access to the advanced stop line.

    Increased cycle parking around the junction.

    Wider traffic islands, new trees and levelled footways.

    New street lighting system to be combined with traffic signals to create more space on the footways.

    To incorporate the above benefits, we will also need to change the traffic lights operation to allow vehicles to exit Grove Road and Burdett Road at the same time.

    Please click here to view the map for further information on our proposals. We plan to begin works in early 2013.

    How to comment on the proposals:

    Please give us your views by completing the online consultation form below. You can also contact TfL’s Consultation Team at: Please let us know your views by 10 December 2012

    About the Better Junctions programme:

    TfL is making it easier and safer for people to cycle in London. As part of this work, we’re meeting with a number of different organisations to review and improve junctions on the Barclays Cycle Superhighways and the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). We’re planning a variety of improvements, ranging from initial upgrades at some locations, to more substantial and innovative redevelopment at others. Please see for more information.

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532 threads found for 'consultation':

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