Balfour Street Raised Junction Survey

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Added by Anon

Why We Are Consulting

Programming for forthcoming works have identified there will likely be significant disruptions to residents during works to improve the junctions on Balfour Street with John Maurice Close, Henshaw Street and Chatham Street.

The works are now entering the most challenging phases of the project that are likely to cause the most amount of disruption.  These next phases of work involve implementing the junction improvements to Orb St, Stead St, Wadding St, Balfour St/Rodney Road, Chatham St, Henshaw St and John Maurice Close/Victory Place. 

These works are likely to cause significant disruption to residents, therefore we are proposing an alternative option that will maintain vehicle access into John Maurice Close/Victory Place and Henshaw Street, but will significantly alter the aesthetic of the scheme and reduce the effectiveness in creating a more pedestrian friendly street character.

We are asking residents to share their thoughts with us on the two options, to help us better understand the impact these works will have.


March 24th, 2019 14:00


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